Terms and Conditions of Sale

1. Purpose of the Sites

The Sites allow for the booking of rooms and additional services.

2. Scope

These terms and conditions of sale (the "Terms and Conditions of Sale") apply to the booking of rooms and additional services within Villas ti-créole.

3. Current Terms

The present Terms and Conditions of Sale (the "Services") are those in effect on the date of confirmation of your booking on the Sites. They cancel and replace any previously posted and/or accepted terms and conditions of sale by the Client.

4. Acceptance of Terms

The Client’s acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Sale and the conditions, particularly financial, of each booking made occurs by proceeding with the booking "By choosing to book, I acknowledge that I have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions of Sale and the Privacy Policy of Villas ti-créole" or any similar box offered on the Sites.

5. Information Available on the Sites

The Client acknowledges having all necessary information on the Sites, which include:

  • the complete contact details of Villas ti-créole,
  • the main and essential characteristics of the accommodations and additional services offered to clients,
  • the present Terms and Conditions,
  • the specific conditions applicable to each offer and/or accommodation and/or additional service(s) and the Privacy Policy,
  • the rates of accommodations and additional services offered to clients,
  • the maximum number of accommodations that can be booked by a Client.

6. Payment Methods

Accepted payment methods are Carte Bleue, Paypal, Cheque Vacance, or Bank Transfer.

7. Definition of the Client

The term "Client(s)" refers to any individual who places an order on the Sites, as a consumer, for private or professional purposes, but unrelated to the hotel industry.

8. Language of Information

The information provided by the Sites is presented in French and English.

9. Limitations of the Terms and Conditions of Sale

The Terms and Conditions of Sale do not govern the offer, booking, or order of Services offered by entities other than Villas ti-créole and on other websites and/or mobile applications. We recommend that you check their terms and conditions of sale before confirming any order of Services through third-party websites or mobile applications, as Villas ti-créole cannot be held responsible for the provision of Services offered by third parties.

10. Booking Steps

The Terms and Conditions of Sale apply to all stages of booking Services by the Client and to the follow-up of their booking.

11. Responsibility for Choice

The Client selects the Services offered on the Sites. They are solely responsible for the choice of Services and their suitability for their needs, so Villas ti-créole's liability cannot be engaged in this regard.

12. Booking Process

The booking is deemed accepted by the Client at the end of the booking process.

13. Accuracy of Information

The Client certifies the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided when booking Services. Villas ti-créole reserves the right not to follow up on any booking from a person who makes fraudulent use of the Site or who does not comply with these Terms and Conditions of Sale. When booking, the Client must provide a number of mandatory data, including some personal data necessary for Villas ti-créole to process the booking, which reserves the right to refuse any booking in the absence of such data or due to their incorrect nature. The Client must also indicate the number of people benefiting from the Services, as well as their age, with any minor over 13 years old being considered an adult.

14. Steps of the Booking Procedure

The booking procedure on the Site includes the following steps:

  • Step 1: Selection on the homepage of the Site www.villasticreole.guadeloupe.com of the arrival date,
  • Step 2: Opening of a secure page indicating the selected date and offering the Client the possibility to specify or modify any of the choices made (arrival and departure dates, number of rooms, number of people...),
  • Step 3: Consultation and selection of an offer,
  • Step 4: Selection, if applicable, of one or more additional Services,
  • Step 5: Verification of the booking details, total price, and applicable conditions and possible modification of the choices made,
  • Step 6: Provision of the Client’s contact details,
  • Step 7: Entry of bank details in case of a request for guarantee or prepayment,
  • Step 8: Consultation and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Sale, the Privacy Policy and, if applicable, the specific terms of sale before validating the booking by the Client,
  • Step 9: Validation of the booking by the Client.

15. Acknowledgment of Receipt

The Sites acknowledge receipt of the booking made by the Client by sending an email containing (i) the corresponding booking number, (ii) the booking summary and in particular the Services booked, the price of the Services, the conditions of sale applicable to the selected rate, accepted by the Client, (iii) the Terms and Conditions of Sale, if applicable, after-sales service information and the contact address for submitting complaints.

16. Booking Confirmation

The booking is considered firm and final upon receipt of this booking confirmation email sent by Villas ti-créole to the Client.

17. Check-in and Check-out Times

Any booking made on the Site provides for a check-in time at 4:00 PM and a check-out time at 10:00 AM.

18. Late Check-out Penalty

In case of release of the reserved room after the required check-out time (10:00 AM), 60 euros will be charged to the Client as a penalty.

19. Interruption of Stay

Any interruption of the stay before the departure date provided for in the booking will result in the payment of the full agreed price.

20. Service Rates

The rates indicated are per room, for the number of people indicated.

21. Price Details

The price of each Service is indicated all taxes included (TTC), excluding tourist tax, and details the amount of VAT applicable to the Service.

22. Payment Currency and Tourist Tax

The euro is the commercial currency of the booking, so payment must be made in this currency. The prices displayed on the Sites in different currencies are estimates and do not accurately reflect the amount to be paid, indicated in euros when the booking is validated by the Client. The tourist tax is specified as follows:

  • Tourist tax for Caféière: 1€ per person per day (all bungalows)
  • Tourist tax for Cocon Bleu and Pomme Cannelle: 1€ per person per day
  • Tourist tax for Le Plessis and À Ciel Ouvert: 1.50€ per person per day

23. Price Modification

The prices mentioned on the Sites are subject to change at any time by Villas ti-créole, without prior notice or warning. Only the price indicated in the booking confirmation is contractual.

24. Payment Terms for Services

Unless otherwise specified, the payment of the price of the Services is made at the Hotel, at the end of the stay. In case of prepayment, the amounts paid are considered as deposits and cannot be refunded to the Client.

25. Pets

Pets are prohibited.

26. Reasonable Use of Rooms

During the stay, the Client undertakes to use the room rented to them in a reasonable manner and as a prudent person. The Hotel may ask the Client to leave the Hotel without any compensation being paid and to pay for the

entire reserved Service, particularly in case of:

  • behavior contrary to good morals or public order,
  • any damage, degradation, or act of vandalism caused by them or by their employees or persons in their charge, during the occupation of the premises, to any movable or immovable property, furnishings, decoration or any other nature present in the Hotel.

In addition, the Client will be required to fully reimburse the damages caused by their actions, with Villas ti-créole having full discretion and the ability to take any necessary action to obtain compensation for the damage suffered.

27. Internet Access

Villas ti-créole provides Clients with wifi internet access in all Hotels. The Client undertakes that the IT resources made available to them will not be used for fraudulent or illegal purposes, particularly to commit any act of infringement of third-party rights and/or illegal downloading of works protected by copyright or related rights, sanctioned by article L.335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.

28. Force Majeure

For the purposes of this Article, force majeure is understood as any event or fact that the parties could not reasonably foresee and control at the time of booking due to its external nature, unpredictability, and irresistibility. These include, but are not limited to, those retained by French courts and tribunals, total or partial strikes, internal or external to the Hotels, terrorism, wars or uprisings, weather conditions, epidemics, blocking of means of transport or supply for any reason whatsoever, earthquake, fire, storm, flood, water damage, computer system failure paralyzing the normal continuation of a Party's activity.


29. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions of Sale

The Terms and Conditions of Sale are regularly amended, particularly in consideration of regulatory changes. The new Terms and Conditions of Sale will apply on their publication date on the Sites.

30. Entire Agreement

The Terms and Conditions of Sale, including the Privacy Policy, the General Terms of Use of the Site, and where applicable, the specific conditions specific to certain offers, constitute the entire agreement between the Client and Villas ti-créole regarding their booking on the Sites and cancel all previous terms and conditions of sale.

31. Validity of Provisions

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions of Sale is declared null and void in whole or in part, for any reason whatsoever, the other provisions will remain in force.